Invictus Group

AARTO Act Coming 1 July 2021

9 June 2021

Implementation of AARTO Act 1 July 2021

The AARTO (Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences) Act will be implemented nationally from 1 July 2021. What this means is that drivers who fail to comply with the rules of the road will receive penalty points based on a new demerit system.

Vehicles are not punished by the system – only the driver/juristic person is held responsible for the use of the motor vehicle.

The points will work as follows:

  • The offender/infringer receives a penalty, and in addition to the penalty, they also receive the demerit points allocated to the specific offence.
  • If the demerit points exceed the maximum points (15 points), a person will be disqualified from driving or using the vehicle for a period of time (three months for every point exceeding 15 points);
  • The points for the offences and infringements range between six and one;
  • The maximum points for a learner driver is six;
  • The time value of each demerit point is three months for disqualification or reduction purposes;
  • If demerit points are allocated to a person or vehicle record and no further demerit points are accrued in three months after receiving the previous demerit point, a reduction of one point on the total number of demerit points will be recorded on the system.
  • A person’s driving licence card must be handed in for the disqualification period;
  • Upon a third disqualification, the licence will be cancelled. A person must apply for a new learner’s licence and driving licence once the disqualification period is over.

Companies that issue company owned motor vehicles to its employees as well companies that have its own employees as drivers should pay particular attention to the new demerit system. Invictus is able to assist with the appropriate policies and procedures to manage compliance with the AARTO Act In the workplace.

The below table provides a brief overview of the demerit points and fines you can expect, although this is subject to change at a later date.

For more information, contact our Call Centre on 0861 737 263.
