Invictus Group

2021 Newsletters

Zimbabwean exemption permit (ZEP) – status of Zimbawean employee’s in the republic of South Africa

The Minister of Home Affairs effectively ended the ZEP, which applies to Zimbabwean Nationals working and living in the Republic of South Africa, on the 31st of December 2021. This resulted in numerous Zimbabweans not being able to apply for an extension of the ZEP and, as a result, are facing deportation should they not Zimbabwean exemption permit (ZEP) – status of Zimbawean employee’s in the republic of South Africa

When does an employment relationship come into existence?

Questions are frequently raised regarding the employment relationship, specifically ‘when the employment relationship comes into existence. Based on the recent matter of Tsoaeli v Workerslife Management Services (Pty) Ltd (2020) 41 ILJ 2939 (CCMA), it is from the moment the offer of employment is made. In this case, the employee had been appointed as COO by the When does an employment relationship come into existence?


Section 6 (1) of the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 provides that no person may unfairly discriminate, directly or indirectly, against any employee in any employment policy or practice. Discrimination includes sex, race, gender, pregnancy, marital status, family responsibility, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, HIV status, conscience, belief, political WHEN CAN DISCRIMINATION BE CONSIDERED FAIR?

Dismissals based on poor performance

One of the reasons why employers look to discipline employees is as a result of poor employee performance. Employers however often do not realise that poor work performance is a form of incapacity and does not constitute misconduct or negligence.


An employment relationship is based on a contract of service, whereby the individual renders his services to the employer on an indefinite basis in return for remuneration. An independent contractor relationship is based on a contract for service whereby the contractor will complete a specific task and will be paid on completion thereof (The South African Labour Guide).
