7 April 2022

The minimum wage as per the Bargaining Council for the Restaurant, Catering and Allied Trades Collective Agreement, will increase from R25,12 to R26,88 as of 1 May 2022. This is an increase of R1,76 per hour and R3,69 more than the new National Minimum Wage.
During these times, where restaurants are recuperating from the effects of Covid, an increase of this magnitude could be detrimental to the recovery of any establishment. Fortunately, the Main Collective Agreement makes provision for the application for exemption of this increase.
However, it is imperative that application for exemption is made prior to the implementation of the increase to ensure that restaurants are not faced with a protentional compliance issue.
Should you wish to apply for exemption from the increase, or have any further queries pertaining thereto, please do not hesitate to contract Invictus on 0861 737 263 or email litigation@invictusgroup.co.za.