Invictus Group

Employment Equity

Do Prospective Employers Need Your Permission to Check Your Social Media?

The law, in general, has not caught up to all of the latest trends in technology, including the use of social media by prospective employers to screen potential employees and/or discipline employees for conduct portrayed on social media.  Case Study – MH v Rhodes University In the matter of MH v Rhodes University (20 March 2017) Do Prospective Employers Need Your Permission to Check Your Social Media?

Consequences of Unfair Employee Suspensions

Suspension of an employee is a standard tool employers use to maintain workplace discipline and address misconduct within the workplace. However, when these “suspensions” are not executed in accordance with the Labour Relations Act (LRA) employers might find themselves in breach of section 186(2)(b) by committing an unfair labour practice.  In addition to arguably the Consequences of Unfair Employee Suspensions

The Employment Equity amendment bill has not been proclaimed yet, designated employers below 50 Employees are still obligated to comply.

The Employment Equity amendment bill was anticipated to take effect from the 1st of September 2023, but the president has not yet proclaimed the effective date. One of the effects of the amendment bill would be that employers with less than 50 employees would not be considered a “designated employer” irrespective of annual turnover. Under The Employment Equity amendment bill has not been proclaimed yet, designated employers below 50 Employees are still obligated to comply.

Discrimination in the workplace – Diversity and appearance discrimination

Discrimination occurs when an employer treats a person differently based on physical attributes or other factors such as religion or political belief. The act of differentiation may, at times, be fair, but it is more commonly found that differentiated treatment is unfair. Appearance-based discrimination, or lookism, is the discriminatory treatment of people considered to be Discrimination in the workplace – Diversity and appearance discrimination

Employment Equity Amendment Bill – What you need to know and what changes to expect

Employment Equity is often questioned as an “is it really necessary” factor in businesses, and the short and simple answer is yes, it’s law… The Employment Equity Act aims to remove unfair discrimination, ensure fair treatment of all employees, encourage equal and unbiased opportunities, promote development, and allow for just representation of all occupational levels Employment Equity Amendment Bill – What you need to know and what changes to expect