Invictus Group


Short-time work as an alternative to retrenchment

In the dynamic landscape of South African labour law, short-time work emerges as a strategic tool for employers and employees to navigate economic ebbs and flows. This comprehensive exploration aims to dissect short-time work’s legal intricacies and practical dimensions, providing invaluable insights for effective implementation. A short-time arrangement occurs when an employee and an employer Short-time work as an alternative to retrenchment

Can I retrench an employee while on Maternity leave?

Maternity leave is a crucial period for new mothers to provide them with the necessary time and support to care for their newborns. When an employee takes maternity leave, colleagues often step in to cover the employee’s responsibilities. During the employee’s absence, employers may face various challenges, including financial constraints or restructuring needs that may Can I retrench an employee while on Maternity leave?
