17 April 2024

The various SETA systems for submitting Annual Training Reports and Workplace Skills Plans are open until April 30, 2024. Companies that successfully submit their annual training reports and Workplace skills plans are entitled to receive 20% back of their annual skills development levies from their relevant SETA.
For the report to be approved by the SETA, a company must capture the following information and submit the accompanying documents of evidence on the relevant
SETA online system:
1. An updated employee profile containing the following information must be captured on the online SETA system.
• Employee name and Surname
• Employee Job title
• Employee race, gender and age
• Some SETA systems also require employee ID numbers; this is only needed for some SETA systems.
2. All companies must capture their nominated banking details with the SETA to ensure that any refunds are expediently paid to the employer. Furthermore, the following confirmatory steps must be met:
• A bank account confirmation letter over three months old must be uploaded to the online submission system.
• A contact person other than the person submitting the report must be captured along with the banking details.
3. All training that took place within the reporting period, as well as the employees that completed the various training interventions, along with the following supporting documents:
• Invoices and proof of payments for external training,
• Certificates of completion if these were issued,
• Signed attendance registers for training completed,
• Internal training registers on a company letterhead can also be drawn up internally and need to contain the following information:
• Employee Name and Surname,
• Employee ID no,
• Race and Gender of employee,
• Employee’s Job tile,
• Description of subject matter,
• Name and Surname of employee/company representative providing training,
• Duration of training intervention in either days or hours,
• Combined rate of trainee and trainer per hour this is used to calculate the cost of the internal training intervention,
• Both the trainee and trainer need to sign the register,
• Start date of internal training intervention,
• End date of internal training intervention.
Claim back 20% of your Skills Development levy
Workplace skills plan setting out what training would take place over the next reporting period; this can range from internal training to mandatory required training, training related to operational needs or even training related to B-BBEE certification requirements.
Once the required data and supporting documents have been uploaded to the relevant SETA online submission system, an authorisation document will be generated. This needs to be signed by the relevant company representatives, and it would then need to be uploaded to the online system before the system allows for the submission to be finalised.
Once a company’s annual training report and workplace skills plan have been submitted to the relevant SETA online system, the relevant SETA systems will review the applications and the supporting documents and notify the nominated contact person if there are any queries regarding the application.
Alternatively, the relevant SETA will issue a letter of approval to which the applying company can expect 20% of their annual Skills Development Levy contributions back in four quarterly tranches as set out in the Skills Development Levies Act of 1999.
Failing to submit means losing out on the 20% annual skills development levies contribution, furthermore, companies that wish to be B-BBEE compliant will not be able to do so without an approved annual training report and workplace skills plan.
For assistance in having your annual training report and workplace skills plan submitted and approved by your relevant SETA and claiming back 20% of your annual Skills Development Levies, email us at admin@invictusgroup.co.za or call our offices at 086 173 7263.