5 February 2024

During the latter stages of last week, our Minister of Employment and Labour announced the new national minimum wage for 2024 in terms of the National Minimum Wage Act 9 of 2018, in which the minimum wage has been increased by 8.5%. More importantly, the amendment is set to be binding from the 1st of March 2024. Here are a few key takeaways from Government Gazette No. 50073:
The new national minimum wage is R27.58 for each ordinary hour worked;
For an 8-hour day (lunch break excluded), the new minimum wage would make the minimum daily pay rate R220.64 per day;
For a 45-hour week, the new minimum wage would make the minimum weekly pay rate R1,241.19 per week; and
For a month’s work, the new minimum wage would make the minimum monthly pay rate approximately R5,373.96 per month.
To avoid non-compliance with the governing legislation, changes in the minimum wage must be effective on March 1, 2024. Please contact our offices if you require any further information on the National Minimum Wage Act.